The Ecology Partnership

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01372 364 133


Each project will require a range of assessments dependent on the nature and scope of the proposal. This can range from small scale residential developments, to large allocated and strategic sites.

An ecological assessment is an appraisal of the likely impacts a development would have on habitats (flora) and fauna (protected species). This includes impacts on protected habitats and wider land designations, such as Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and Special Areas of Conservation (SAC). Assessments will determine if further surveys are likely to be required but also assess development in line with national and local policies. The mitigation hierarchy and biodiversity net gain opportunities are also reviewed.

There are different types of ecological assessments, based on the needs of each particular project. The most common types of assessments are shown below.

If you require more information on these assessment or further ecological consultancy, please call us or email us.

01372 364 133


Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
Ecological Impact Assessment
Environmental Impact Assessment
Habitat Regulations Assessment

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